Founder|Medical Director
Spending his early childhood in northern Iran, Faramarz Hidaji developed a deep affinity for the mountains. After his family immigrated to the US in the late 70's, he pursued a track that led him to becoming an eye surgeon. He founded a private practice in Memphis, TN, and used it as a base to conduct more than a dozen third world surgical mission trips, performing and teaching surgery in places as remote as Niger and Bangladesh.
Throughout his life, Faramarz Hidaji has been a seeker of knowledge and meaning, particularly in the areas of self-actualization and spirituality. A student of the teachings of Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh and author Eckhart Tolle, Dr. Hidaji is an avid meditator and meditation teacher.
He believes strongly in the Buddhist concept of "right livelihood," which holds that one's work should center on helping others first discover, and then transform the causes of suffering in their lives. This principle embodies the central mission and purpose of Aramesh - the transformation of causes of suffering through self-reflection, awakening, compassion, and enlightened action.


After twenty years of work in Human Resources and Organizational Development in various capacities including HR Director and SVP for several global companies, Jill brings her talents and experience to Aramesh as a coach and consultant. She believes in the principle of lifelong personal growth and enjoys facilitating each individual's unique journey of self-development.